The Importance of Fathers: God the Father
“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.”
Psalm 68:5
One of my favorite attributes of God, is His tender hearted faithfulness to those who are unseen, downcast, and abandoned. He sees those people, hurts for them, bears their burden, and brings them into His tender loving care. We see God depicted as a loving Father all throughout Scripture. God the Father is the first person of the Trinity. He is the Creator of all things, He is the absolute and omnipotent ruler of the universe, He is sovereign, perfect, and faithful. He is the ultimate authority; the beginning and the end. He is to be honored, cherished and obeyed. He has long-suffering mercy for His children and He disciplines those He loves. And His love for us is perfect. God the Father is the ultimate example of what perfect Fatherhood should look like.
For many people, their fathers, although imperfect, were a beautiful echo of the Heavenly Father’s love. Earthly fathers will never be perfect, but the goal is that they would strive to love and lead like our God does. Unfortunately, there are many stories where this was not the case. Some fathers are absent physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally. From the physically absentee father, to the workaholic father who failed to love his children well, this story of pain and abandonment is far too common.
// In fact, it’s my story. //
My mom and dad separated before I was even born. And while I did see my father from time to time, I never experienced the fullness of safety, love, and confidence that comes from having a loving father in the home. I remember years of heartache and insecurity, a sinking feeling of abandonment, and the crushing hurt that comes from never being able to fully rest in a father’s love. When I got older, this deeply rooted pain spiraled into boy-craziness and a need to seek attention and acceptance from everyone, but mostly boys. Love from a significant other is all I strived for, it felt like the missing piece I needed, in order to feel complete. I’d love to say that I figured out how to rest in my Heavenly Father’s love over me in my high school or even college years. But the truth is, it wasn’t until many years into a marriage that I realized the error in my ways. Although I was saved and settled and thriving in a relationship, I never really grasped the identity that comes from being called a child of God.
“But to all who did receive Him, who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God.”
John 1:12
It took me a long time to realize that nothing can fulfill my heart like God can. He is the Father to the Fatherless, and that includes me. No man, or lifestyle, or amount of children or vocation or career will ever be able to give my heart the settled confidence that comes from knowing not only who I am, but WHOSE I am. It took me years of unpacking the layers of my heart, in order for me to really understand how to rest in the Lord’s love for me. To realize that His love is enough for me: it is more than enough. And His words over me are what gives me value and identity.
The Lord your God is with you,
Zeph. 3:17
the Mighty One who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in His love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.
Me…? He rejoices over ME with loud singing? The Bible also talks about how His banner over me is love. And that He knit me together in my mother’s womb. So many verses in the Bible proclaim God’s love for us, but it’s like I never fully accepted it. My heart couldn’t go there. I knew it was true but I didn’t know how to rest in it.
For most of my life I think I lived in a pattern of shame. Like I was unworthy of love, never fully seen or valued, always striving for the missing piece. Yet the Bible says that He has given me “sonship” or “daughter-ship” if you will. I am adopted. I am seen and loved and cherished. I was created for Him and by Him. I am chosen and redeemed. What great love! Perfect, holy, consistent, stable, unfailing love my Father has… for ME. And for you.
“So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:15
Now, I get to “boldly approach the throne” like Hebrews says. I envision myself as the daughter of a mighty King, coming to Him daily, without reservation or fear or an uncertainty of His goodness. I get to call Him Abba Father, Holy King, Mighty God. And what’s more, we all do. Whether you grew up with a wonderful father, or without any father at all, we are all invited into this beautiful dance with our perfect Father God. All we have to do is believe, trust, and rest in His love. What a blessing, what a Father.
You’re a Good, Good Father
It’s who you are, it’s who you are, it’s who you are
And I’m loved by you
It’s who I am, it’s who I am, it’s who I am